3530 Falling Springs Road Cahokia Heights, IL 62206
What To Expect

First Time Visitors

The Assembly is the congregation of Christian members. Guests to the Assembly Bible classes and worship are welcomed. Our assembly provides a unified time for the growth, encouragement, and uplifting of our Christians members in a worship to God. You are welcome to visit us during this time, get to know us, ask questions, and join in worshiping the one and only God.

What to expect - Planning your visit

Our Sunday morning and Wednesday evening Bible classes are a time to read and study from God’s Word, discuss life’s application, review history of the times, and ask questions. Our classes are similar to a classroom environment using the Bible as the main source of reference/learning, various supporting material(s) and textbooks. A teacher will facilitate/guide us through the selected lesson, text, and keep us on-track.

What to wear: While it is difficult to legislate modest dress, we do suggest and expect that the following rule-of-thumb be used to determine what is not modest for both male or female: no shorts, no string-supported or halter tops, complete covering of the abdomen area. The style, quality/expense, etc. of what you wear is not considered dress factors - this is not what is important.

When you visit, you will be given a visitors welcome tote that will consist of an information sheet explaining all the parts of our worship service and provide you with candies, a writing tablet and pen, an attendance card we hope you will complete and leave with us, and other helpful/useful content.

Where to park; We offer parking off Falling Springs Road to the front (center), side (south), and rear (east) parking areas on the campus. You may enter through the breezeway doors or through the front door (See Campus Map).
