3530 Falling Springs Road Cahokia Heights, IL 62206
Daily Living

Daily Living

What Would Jesus Do?

What principles are revealed to us on how Jesus responded to various incidents while here on earth.

Christianity: Religion or Life?

Is Christian living mechanical (i.e. going through the motions) or is it a change of life (i.e. daily living habits).

What Makes A Church?

A meditation on Ephesians 2 – we are the Church – not individually but individuals united in Christ!

Where Will You Be When You Get Where You're Going?

What path are you following. Yes, we’re following in someone’s footprints but, whose? The great deceiver wants us to believe we’re cutting new paths – OUR path but, in reality – it is worldly. Following the footprints of Jesus path makes us one with Him and puts us with God – in the know.
