"Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path..." (Psalms 119:105)
We believe it is important to grow in the unity of being in Christ through an understanding of the Word of God found in the Bible: it's structure; who God used to write the various books, letters, and text; the history; and the context. Our classes are structured for people-learning. We will generally use a class book to assist our journey through the text. Our classes give an opportunity to discuss ideas and ask questions. Bible study also develops the Unity God desires for us to have as His children.
We study the Holy Scriptures (or, Old Testament), the Gospels (the life and times of Jesus, the Christ), and the Apostles doctrines and teachings. We believe the Word as His inspired direction for our lives in learning, becoming, and living to be His children. It teaches us how to be "in Christ". It teaches us how to live our lives with each other and in the world. It guides by coming to an understanding of what it means to be in the world but not to be part of the world. Our Studies take us through various journeys through the books in the Old Testament - from Genesis-to-Malachi. We read and study about the life of Jesus from prophecies-to-his resurrection to his ascension to God. We study the Apostles being taught by Jesus and then their teachings or doctrines as they did during the early church, see Acts 2:42.
Being enlightened by the Word is joyous, convicting, challenging, and uplifting. It is a time for instruction and correction. It is for those with their minds and hearts seeking truth in God's ways and His love. It is a time for growth and development in the Spirit. It is a time when we are trained to discern/distinguish between good and evil so that we can exercise doing this in our daily walks individually and together. It is a time to express our love for God and for each other. Study is that time to listen to God and be saved!
Each class is lead by a teacher who studies hard to help direct the class and keep it on-track. Any questions or discussions that spin-off during the class are directed to a separate time of study to help keep the class centered on the course of study our of respect for each other.
We offer personal Bible study with you and/or your family too. These can be at a location that is comfortable to you: at our building, in your home, or at a local coffee shop/restaurant.
Another tool for study we offer are Bible correspondence courses. These are available through our partners in teaching like the World Bible School and World Video Bible School. If you are interested in taking a Bible correspondence courses please let us know.
Let us know of your interest, request additional information, ask a question, or ask for assistance to know where to begin. We CAN do this together!