The following pages under the tabs "Devotionals and Studies", "Sermons", and "Articles" are intended to offer spiritual guidance to nurture the Body of Christ located here on the west side of Cahokia Heights, Illinois. We hope that you will realize the Unity of Christ within these words that will draw you closer to an understanding of just how much God loves you and us - together. Jesus taught His disciples this to take into all the world: Love one another as I have loved you.
We hope you will take the time to watch and/or listen to talks and discussions that promote spiritual growth and development. We strive to promote each other towards good works and work daily to the peace and love of God ruling in our hearts.
If you have any questions or would like to further discuss any of the lessons or topics contained in the following - please let us know by using the Contact Us form and let us know how we can serve you and learn together.
May God bless your search to serve Him and be drawn closer to Him because of the saving grace of God through the salvation found in Christ Jesus, His son.