3530 Falling Springs Road Cahokia Heights, IL 62206
United We Stand … this is Truth!

United we stand... this is Truth!

The Greek philosopher  Socrates supposedly said "I know that I know nothing". Today, we might say "The only thing I know for sure is that I know nothing at all, for sure." We feel this way because we live in confusing times. However, from the Bible, we can know things that are true.

We learn of a Way to opens doors to all who believe in the Lord. Those doors are hope and confidence. In God's grace and mercy, we all have been given access through these doors. The key that opens these doors is faith in His son, Jesus the Christ.

This is the Good News (or Gospel) that the Maplewood Church has been sharing since its beginning in Cahokia in 1944. Today, we continue to share this good news! Cahokia has changed over years but, the Church has not!

We are not perfect. We are all human and susceptible to failure in so many ways. However, we have doors that, when opened, will lead us to a spiritual perfection that will become reality. When Jesus comes to take us home with Him, we will be found in that Perfection! We want to share the simplicity of this Good News based on faith: ...but God shows his love for us in that while we still sinners, Christ died for us..." (Romans 5:8) Because of our heavenly Father's grace and mercy, this free gift of salvation is for all man - not a few individuals, not a select group, and not in certain numbers - but for ALL.

What will you do with this gift given by God - the Good News or Gospel? Can you believe such love can exist? Regardless of whether you believe or not, it is true. The Word of God teaches us that this God's kindness is meant to lead us to repentance, that is, to make a change our lives and our attitudes towards each other. We no longer live for self but for God and each other in Christ.

Let us learn together what this means for us in His church. ...for if we have been united with Him in a death like His, we shall certainly be united with Him in a resurrection like His... (Romans 6:5) This saying is a proven truth: "Unity we stand..." The Church is this unity; it is what Jesus died for; it is for the Father it is being built; it is time to learn together, stand together, and be united in the Lord!

Bible Unity redefines what it's all about.

What is the Church? It's every member and how we interact with each other.

You can read about this in the apostle Paul's letter - Romans, chapter 12.